A logo of the text: Wildermyth OST. The text is in a slightly cursive-stylized font with the W made to look like two trees — one yellow, one orange.
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Oh Hai!

August 16, 2023

Greetings and Welcome, Gentle Reader. I finally have the Wildermyth OST website up and running! Many thanks to Zach Berglund for designing and building the site, and for having endless patience with my slow pace.

The blog updates will be pretty much the same information as what gets posted on the kickstarter, but in a little bit of a different format. If things start rolling at a fast pace, I might post smaller things here inbetween larger, summary updates for the kickstarter backers. We'll see how it goes!

For now, thanks for being here, and for being interested in the soundtrack. If you want to know when the soundtrack is available to order or stream, sign up using the form at the top of the landing page of this site. I won't send many emails to that list - probably just announcing those dates when I have them, and possibly an update when things hit a large milestone.

That's all for now! Cheers.

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© 2024 Candy Emberley